Some of our ideas on exhibits about acoustics
Below you could find some of our realized ideas on the experiments with sound.
You may have one of those or they can serve as a contribution to the new realization!
Prices are given on request – please contact us!
A.1. Longitudinal wave
This stand demonstrates what is a longitudinal wave using the wave travelling through a spring as an example. A vistor can also find about the definition of a sound wave and learn the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves.

A.2. Can we see sound?
The exhibit fitted with a computer and microphone allows to “see” the sound wave on the screen of a digital oscilloscope. While emitting sound to the microphone, the visitors are able to observe parameters of the recorded sound.
A.3. Why do we hear?
Moving model of the middle ear, along with explanation of the hearing process.

A.4. Sound in vacuum
Travel of sound largely depends on the environment it is supposed to pass through. The exhibit presents the lack of the possibility of the sound spread in vaccum – it is fitted with a vacuum dome covering a siren.
A.5. Get to know waves better!
The stand devoted to introducing physical quantities used to characterise sound waves, such as amplitude, period, frequency, speed and wavelenght. The information is displayed on a screen and choice of content is made by placing a hand in the proximity of the symbol on the panel.

A.6. Symphony of physics
This stand is constructed of pipes with ends open on both sides and is designed to resemble a piano. Hitting one end causes a sound emission on the other, and a complete scale can be played on this “piano.” The didactic content involves description of the standing wave and how it is created.
A.7. Musical Spark
Using a tablet you choose a track which is played real-time; a high-voltage sparkserves as a speaker.

A.8. Test your ears
A two-space, Leap Motion fitted exhibit which allows to measure the human hearing range.
A.9. Lower than bass
This stand demonstrates empirically the occurence of infrasound, the sound waves below the human hearing range.

A.10. Echo-location
A stand concerning ultrasound, at which visitors find out about examples of ultrasound occurence in nature. Their task here is to draw a shape similar to the one displayed on the screen using reflected ultrasound as in animal echolocation
A.11 Cause one is not enough
The exhibit explaining human spatial hearing.

A.12. Doppler’s effect
Here the Doppler’s effect, the phenomenon widely known in physics, is explained. The source of sound is placed on a revolving arm whose frequency can be controlled by the visitors.
A.13. Reflection of sound wave
This stand, designed for two users, demonstates one of the important laws governing the sound waves – reflection. The users need to position the lid at th end of the first pipe in such a way that the reflected sound is directed to the other.

A.14. Speed of sound
This built of 200 meters of pipe exhibit is to teach visitors about the notion of the speed of sound and the delays observed when ittravels longer distances.
A.15. Concert of Beats
The Leap Motion equipped stand explains the phenomenon of beat. Visitors control the pitch of sound produced by a set of two speakers.

A.16. Paint with sound
The stand presents Lissajous curves which come to being as a result of laser light and sound wave combination. A set of two speakers serves as a sound source.
A.17. Stormy waters
The interactive stand depicting the phenomenon of standing wave in a water-filled pipe. Visitors control the frequency of the sound produced by the speakers by placing their hand over the motion sensor.

A.18. Oscillating sound
The exhibit is constructed of a membrane stretched over a speaker and a stroboscope light. Its aim is to demonstrate different types of membrane’s oscillation which depend on the frequency of the emitted sound, which visitors can control with knobs.
A.19 Sound Commotion
The exhibit consists of three microphones and domes covering three different types of substance. The bases of the domes, which are mad of flexible membrane, vibrates in different ways depending of the sound which visitors emit to the microphones.

A.20 Painting with a Violin
Here the occurence of the standing wave is the depicted with a particular emphasis on nodes and anti-nodes. Depending on the frequency of the sound nodes and antinodes change their position on the violinresembling surface, allowing visitors to observe changing pictures in the sand.
A.21. Energising Sound
The stand which consists of three turning forks and speakers explains the phenomenon of acoustic resonance.

A.22. Air Missile
The stand enabling to shoot a target, such as a piramid made of empty cans, with an air missile is supposed to demonstate what is not a soundwave.
A.23. In the Dome of Whispers
The exhibit shows how to focus sound and reflect its waves so that even whispers are audible from a considerable distance.